Friday, January 6, 2012

Decked the Halls

Here are some pictures from last month of some festive little additions to our house.

Our house with lights.  Simple and pretty, I think.  

Two ruffle-y wreaths I made, tutorial here.  You're actually supposed to use felt, but the wonderful Wal-Mart here in the middle of nowhere, my only crafty supplier, did not have red felt.  Sigh.  So I used some red flannel and some white cotton-ish fabric on clearance and I think it still turned out pretty well.  

And here's a shot of my copy of our pretty purple party centerpiece--kind of difficult to photograph well, at least, difficult for me, but it's just a sawed off branch stuck in a vase with dirt and sprayed with a little fake white snow stuff and adorned with $1 plastic glittery snowflakes that I bought from the felt-less Wal-Mart last year.  If you look closely you can see some of my beloved snowflakes dangling in the doorway and our Christmas cards around the mirror.

1 comment:

  1. More creativity flowing! I went to the link for the wreath. Yours turned out just as pretty with the flannel as the felt! And your house is very pretty. I have always liked white lights - TR likes colored, so on our house we have both. :-) (He still lets me have white lights on our Christmas tree - that's real love!) And I agree that sometimes too many lights get gaudy looking,
