Friday, December 16, 2011

A Pretty Party

Last Saturday I hosted a final spouse social for the spouses of Caleb's pilot training class.  Sort of a farewell party but additionally an early birthday party for one of our spouses who is expecting a baby in March.  Together with my friend Maylis and her hours of browsing, we created a color-coordinated party with some decorations that our friend can reuse in her nursery or wherever.

Unfortunately I was in a terrible rush when snapping these pictures as the girls arrived so they're not the best but hopefully you'll get the idea.

So the colors were purple, turquoise and green.  Here you can see the branch that we sawed off one of my trees, planted in a vase with dirt to weigh it down, and wired little leaves out of scrapbook paper all over.  This was my favorite.  After the party I was so sad to see it go that I made a second similar but quicker and easier version.  I'll post pictures of that sometime too.  Also you can see the little paper flags in the muffins and a little bit of the banner we made for the wall.

 This picture didn't turn out so well, but I also made a little baby version of the banner on the wall for the table!  Our food didn't really fit the theme: brownies and kettle corn.  We had sprite with grape juice ice cubes that did fit the purple color scheme.

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