Sunday, December 11, 2011

Get Ready...

Cause I am about to compensate for not blogging for the past two weeks.  Honestly, I thought it had been two months. The past two weeks have been very busy and this coming week is looking quite busy as well.

You probably know by now that we were assigned an MC-12 to Beale.  Not gonna sugarcoat it; that was a huge shock and a disappointment but we are definitely counting all the positives about the location and the mission of that plane.  The MC-12 is part of the ISR(Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance--aren’t those three words for basically the same thing?? Yes, yes, they are) community so basically Caleb will be flying around over the combat zones overseas with the belly of the plane taking videos and pictures of what’s going on in the area and then they directly communicate that information to ground troops and air command so they can do more smart things and fewer stupid things.  :-)  Gotta love my laymen’s terms.

So the mission is pretty important and therefore enviable and exciting among pilots.  Beale is near Sacramento, CA, which makes it enviable and exciting among spouses.  Hello, civilization!!

We are thinking of living in between Beale and the suburban heaven of Roseville, CA. So, not too far from work, not too far from Crate and Barrel.  And a great library, church, REI, Sacramento Airport, etc.  We will probably move in March although it may be February.  We’ll know for sure this week.

One thing we were not counting on until we got the MC-12 is that Caleb will most likely deploy for six months starting this summer.  That’s just the way this aircraft’s system works: it has a very brief training period and then off you go!  Deployment kind of stinks because you are apart but career wise it’s good because you get a ton of flying hours and air medals and stuff.  Also, you make more money. :-)

So, there you have the big update.  We hope everyone will come visit once we’re in CA because we’ll actually be in a desirable, attainable destination. :-)


  1. TARA! We live in San Francisco - about an hour to an hour & a half from Sacramento! We will have to get together!

  2. The HawkerBeechcraft plant is just a couple miles away from us in Wichita where it looks like they build the plane before sending it to Texas for all the high-tech electronics to be added. Safe travels to CA!
